KEFEP Project
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International Cooperation Projects

Faculty and students at Vancouver Island University are actively engaged in international cooperation projects in regions around the world. These collaborations include formal partnerships with post-secondary institutions abroad, faculty consulting, student volunteering and support for civil society organizations.

Active Projects

VIU International Cooperation Projects SAGE 01

Skills to Access the Green Economy - Belize

Developing Climate Smart programming to address the impacts of climate change on the agri-food and agro-forestry sectors of Belize.

YAW-K TVET-20 Training Visit

Young Africa Works-Kenya: Youth Employability Through TVET-18

Developing competency-based Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programs in electrical and information technology trades at Sigalagala National Polytechnic and Bondo Technical Training Institute.

YAW-K TVET-20 Welding Visit

Young Africa Works-Kenya: Youth Employability Through TVET-20

Developing competency-based TVET programs in electrical, mechanical, and welding trades at Kisii National Polytechnic and Keroka Technical Training Institute.

KEFEP Building Artisan Training

Kenya Education for Employment Program

Developing a competency-based Building Artisan program to support an increase in employment and economic development opportunities for Kenyan youth. 

Pacific Alliance Education for Employment

Developing and implementing a national promotion campaign for technical training programs connected to the extractive sector in Mexico, Chile, Peru and Colombia.

Ongoing Partnerships

VIU in Tanzania for ISTEP

Improving Skills Training for Employment Program - Tanzania

Developing Tourism and Hospitality programming to help enable increased access to managerial positions in Tanzania's tourism industry. 

Caricom Education for Employment Program

CARICOM Education for Employment - Trinidad and Tobago

Learning and training partnership for the development of curriculum for a Cosmetology Centre of Excellence in Trinidad. 


Laying the Foundation for a Spatial Data Infrastructure - Ukraine

Development of a training program in Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) to improve access to spatial data and web mapping technology in Ukraine.

VIU and Tra Vinh University

Tra Vinh University - Vietnam

Vancouver Island University and Tra Vinh University have a strong working relationship, which grew out of a Canadian-government funded capacity building project.