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Exchange Ambassadors

Student Leadership in Education Abroad

Exchange Ambassadors are student leaders at VIU and champions of the VIU Exchange Program.

Learning from an international experience doesn't stop when you return home!  The experience of studying abroad on exchange is often described as transformative - a period of so much learning and growth, full of intercultural skill development, resilience building, and learning beyond the classroom. Students gain valuable graduate attributes through their experience. 

Returning home is an important time to reflect on the experience, continue to apply learning and share stories from this journey, perhaps inspiring others. That's what being an Exchange Ambassador is all about! 


Join the Team

Participation in the Exchange Ambassador program provides an opportunity to connect as a team, revisit these experiences and focus on skill development and translation, while also sharing the valuable insights gained with future prospective exchange students.

Participation in the program includes:

  • Training and meetings /professional development sessions (attendance is required)
  • A place to share your experiences and adventures from abroad with like-minded, globally engaged students
  • The opportunity to enrich intercultural skills gained from studying abroad
  • Recognition on the Co-Curricular Record (recognized activity)
  • A flexible list of engagement activities and the opportunity contribute creative ideas
  • A $1000 stipend upon completion of activities

Eligibility Requirements

Students must have successfully completed a semester exchange at one of VIU international Exchange Partners, be in good academic standing and be enrolled as a full-time VIU student. 

When and How to Apply

We are always looking for additions to our team and recruit new ambassadors every Fall and Spring semester.  Contact to receive a link to the application form.  Returning exchange students will receive an invite to join the program.

Expectations and Restrictions

  • This program is not available to visiting international exchange students.

  • Exchange Ambassadors are not responsible for providing academic or financial advice to other students interested in studying abroad on exchange. Please refer all academic and financial questions to the Education Abroad office.

  • All volunteer promotional/engagement activities must be approved by the Education Abroad office and completed within the time provided (typically 1 semester).

Contact us for more information

Education Abroad
Faculty of International Education

Many Exchange Ambassador stories and tips can be found online. Check out our social media pages to see more: