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Civic Mobilization and the Global Refugee Crisis

When: Wednesday, Nov 4, 2020, 2:30PM - 3:45PM PST
Add to CalendarCivic Mobilization and the Global Refugee Crisis11/04/2020 02:30 PM11/04/2020 03:45 PMMM/DD/YYYYAmerica/VancouverfalseaYqCFcQpUzxLBYhTummH26494

Meghan MacIver was on the front lines of the European refugee crisis, assisting refugees fleeing violence and poverty who were arriving by the thousands on the Greek island of Lesbos. As co-founder of the largest online resource for providing information to independent volunteers in Greece, she took part in what some have described as the largest civic mobilization since the Second World War, when volunteers—many young and untrained—took on unimaginable responsibilities and saved thousands of lives. She also witnessed firsthand the catastrophic failure, indifference, and frequently open hostility of national governments. Join us for a conversation about how we respond to crises when governments fail to act.

Link to join:

Hosted by VIU WUSC and Department of English