VIU International students
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Coffee Around the World: International Education Block Party

When: Thursday, Aug 29, 2019, 2:30PM - 3:30PM PST

Building 255, First Floor Lobby

Add to CalendarCoffee Around the World: International Education Block Party08/29/2019 02:30 PM08/29/2019 03:30 PMMM/DD/YYYYAmerica/VancouverfalseaYqCFcQpUzxLBYhTummH26494

Meet students and staff of VIU's Faculty of International Education while sampling coffees and teas from around the world. VIU international students will host tables representing their respective countries and serving up samples of their favourite coffee or tea from back home. This event is a RockVIU Welcome to Campus faculty "Block Party" hosted by Cultural Connections and the Peer Helper Program (International student volunteers).