VIU International students
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Theatre of the Oppressed Workshop 

When: Tuesday, Nov 1, 2022, 10:00AM - 11:30AM PST

Nanaimo Campus - B310 Malaspina Theatre Lobby

Add to CalendarTheatre of the Oppressed Workshop  11/01/2022 10:00 AM11/01/2022 11:30 AMMM/DD/YYYYAmerica/VancouverfalseaYqCFcQpUzxLBYhTummH26494

WorldVIU Days

Newcomers to Nanaimo explore themes of belonging in a short Forum Theatre play. Audience participation is central to this revolutionary style of theatre from Brazil, so step into the action and inspire change! Theatre and Global Studies classes join together for a guest lecture. 

Hosted by Global Studies & Theatre Department 

This event is part of VIU’s celebration of WorldVIU Days.