VIU International students
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Grocery Shuttle

Need to stock up? 

The VIU Grocery Shuttle – sponsored by International Education and VIU Student Residence - is an opportunity for VIU students to get out and get some shopping done.

The shuttle runs to Superstore (in the North end of Nanaimo) which features a large variety of local and International foods and household items, a pharmacy, clothing and much more.  

Students can take advantage of the Free Grocery Shuttle twice a week:

  • Two Days a Week (September - April)
  • Wednesdays (Summer - May-August)
  • 6:25pm Departures from VIU Residences, Cedar Centre (sign up in advance at the Cedar Centre)
  • Free!

Bring a reusable shopping bag and sign up at VIU Student Residence Cedar Centre (Building 4)!


Student Life